Sounds like a typical jw:
Reads one thing but sees another.
this seems to be a favorite topic to bring up to any witnesses who post on any website where there are any opposers, either here or topix or anywhere.. so, here is the one and only place i will be discussing it.
who can prove that witnesses are specifically told not to post on websites about them?.
Sounds like a typical jw:
Reads one thing but sees another.
i'm not a bully.
" , "i'm being a bully!"...
but isn't that what every bully says?
Ask yourself: why is the Greek economy in such a mess?
Different cultures have different mentalities. It can be infuriating.
Wait until the world discovers Warpdrive.
thru out history, has there ever been a time when throwing up that middle finger ever meant anything positive?
me thinks its been universally a bad sign from day one.
have you ever wondered?.
Citation from above link:
the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, "See, we can still pluck yew!"
Is this also the origin of another popular expression?
check them out:.
How do they count their hours here?
Maybe the time logged on divided by the members of the GB?
Oops. I've just given them 30secs for the month of May.
my mind is screwed.
i am so messed up and there seems to be nothing i can do i can try to be as positive as i want but it always comes right back to this!
right back to me hating myself.
It hurts to see one of ours feeling like this D.
Already, you can see that happiness dosn't lie with jws.
You do need to seek help from a councelor, as many have said.
Its scarery, but do it. Its one thing you won't ever regret.
Good luck, D.
talking blood in 2006 watchtower, we have a problem.
i have added a new article to my blog titled talking blood in 2006 watchtower, we have a problem.
my article contains a scan of a watchtower provided special outline.
An interesting citation
Many pagan religions profaned blood by the way they used it. For instance it has been the view of many in occultic religions in both ancient and modern times that if you would eat animal, or even human, flesh while it was still living you would receive in yourself the strength, or life force, of the thing being eaten. This was the reason why God placed such a restriction on Noah and Israel.
from here:
talking blood in 2006 watchtower, we have a problem.
i have added a new article to my blog titled talking blood in 2006 watchtower, we have a problem.
my article contains a scan of a watchtower provided special outline.
The bible says nothing about blood transfusions either. Only eating blood is forbidden.
Thank you for the post. I have a preference, myself, for logical arguements over doctrinal discussions, often left
over to interpretation.
i did.
still not finished with a degree yet but i'll get there.. how about you?.
I should be taking mine at the end of this year. Fingers crossed. (Oh, isn't that forbidden?)
I too am being sponsored by my employer. ( sounds an interesting and widespread option )
what sort of conversations could you have in a perfect world?
i have a hard enough time creating conversation in this world.
when i need a conversation topic, i might mention a news story, or some problem such as the price of gas.
I was thinking this only the other day.
Lets take popular conversation starters:
How are you? (never need to ask that in the new system!)
Its nice today isn't it? (It will always be nice)
Have you heard the latest... ( gossipers will be struck dead!)